[1]  Katherine Kuh, “Marisol,” in Americans 1963, exh. cat. (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1963), 20.

[2]  Marina Pacini, “Marisol: A Biographical Sketch,” in Marisol: Sculptures and Works on Paper, exh. cat. (Memphis, TN: Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, 2014), 13. 

[3]  Marisol Escobar, interview with Jeff Goldberg, People Magazine, March 24, 1975.

[4]  Marisol Escobar quoted by Marina Pacini, “Marisol: A Biographical Sketch,” 12.

[5]  Warhol quoted by Douglas Dreishspoon, “The Voice Behind the Silence,” in Marisol: Sculptures and Works on Paper, exh. cat. (Memphis, TN: Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, 2014), 122.

[6]  Dreishspoon, “The Voice behind the Silence,” 114. 

[7]  Marina Pacini, "Tracking Marisol in the Fifties and Sixties," Archives of American Art Journal 46, no. 3/4 (2007): 60–65.

[8]  Pacini, “Marisol: A Biographical Sketch,” 26.

[9] Ibid., 30.